条款 & 条件- bt365体育娱乐-bt365体育娱乐

条款 & 条件


These terms and conditions govern your 使用 of this website; by using this website, 您完全接受这些条款和条件. If you disagree with these terms and conditions or any part of these terms and conditions, 您不得使用本网站.


除非另有说明, bt365体育娱乐 Systems and/or its licensors own the intellectual property rights on the website and material on the website. 根据下面的许可,所有这些知识产权都是保留的.

您可以查看, 下载仅用于缓存目的, 并打印网站上的内容供您个人使用, 受下列和本条款条件其他地方规定的限制.


    • 转载本网站的资料(包括在其他网站转载);
    • 出售、出租或转授本网站的资料;
    • 公开展示本网站的任何资料;
    • reproduce, duplicate, copy, or otherwise exploit material on this website for a commercial purpose;
    • edit or otherwise modify any material on the website; or
    • redistribute material from this website (except for content specifically and expressly made available for redistribution).


您不得以任何方式使用本网站导致, 或者可能导致, damage to the website or impairment of the availability or accessibility of the website; or in any way which is unlawful, 非法, 欺诈, 或有害的, 或与任何非法行为有关, 非法, 欺诈, 或有害的目的或活动.

您不得使用本网站进行复制, 商店, 主人, 传输, 发送, 使用, 发布, 或分发任何材料,其中包括(或链接到)任何间谍软件, 计算机病毒, 特洛伊木马, 蠕虫, 击键记录器, rootkit, 或其他恶意计算机软件.

您不得进行任何系统或自动的数据收集活动(包括, 但不限于, 刮, 数据挖掘, 数据提取, and data harvesting) on or in relation to this website without bt365体育娱乐 Systems’ express written consent.


You must not 使用 this website for any purposes related to marketing without bt365体育娱乐 Systems’ express written consent.


This website is provided “as is” without any representations or warranties, express or implied. bt365体育娱乐 Systems makes no representations or warranties in relation to this website or the information and materials provided on this website.

在不影响前款一般性的前提下, bt365体育娱乐 Systems不保证:

    • this website will be constantly available, or available at all; or
    • 本网站提供的信息完整、真实、准确、无误导.



bt365体育娱乐将不会对您承担任何责任(无论根据接触法), 侵权行为法, (或其他)有关的内容或使用, 或与…有关的, 本网站在免费提供的范围内:

    • 任何直接损失;
    • for any indirect, special, or consequential loss; or
    • for any business losses; loss of revenue, 收入, 利润, or anticipated savings; loss of contracts or business relationships; loss of reputation or goodwill; or loss or corruption of information or data.

These limitations of liability apply even if bt365体育娱乐 Systems has been expressly advised of the potential loss.


Nothing in this website disclaimer will exclude or limit any warranty implied by law that it would be unlawful to exclude or limit; and nothing in this website disclaimer will exclude or limit bt365体育娱乐 Systems’ liability in respect to any:

    • 因bt365体育娱乐 Systems的疏忽而造成的死亡或人身伤害;
    • fraud or 欺诈 misrepresentation on the part of bt365体育娱乐 Systems; or
    • bt365体育娱乐排除或限制是非法或不合法的, 试图或意图排除或限制, 它的责任.


通过使用本网站, you agree that the exclusions and limitations of liability set out in this website disclaimer are reasonable.



你接受这一点, 作为一个有限责任实体, bt365体育娱乐 Systems has an interest in limiting the personal liability of its officers and 员工. You agree that you will not bring any claim personally against bt365体育娱乐 Systems’ officers or 员工 in respect of any losses you suffer in connection with the website.

在不影响前款规定的情况下, you agree that the limitations of warranties and liability set out in this website disclaimer will protect bt365体育娱乐 Systems’ officers, 员工, 代理, 子公司, 继任者, 分配, 和分包商以及bt365体育娱乐.


如果本网站的任何条款免责, 或者被发现是, 根据适用法律不能强制执行的, that will not affect the enforceability of the other provisions of this website disclaimer.


You hereby indemnify bt365体育娱乐 Systems and undertake to keep bt365体育娱乐 Systems indemnified against any losses, 损害赔偿, 成本, 负债, 费用(包括, 但不限于, legal expenses and any amounts paid by bt365体育娱乐 Systems to a third party in settlement of a claim or dispute on the advice of bt365体育娱乐 Systems’ legal advisers) incurred or suffered by bt365体育娱乐 Systems arising out of any breach by you of any provision of these terms and conditions, or arising out of any claim that you have breached any provision of these terms and conditions.


不损害bt365体育娱乐在这些条款和条件下的其他权利, 如果你以任何方式违反这些条款和条件, bt365体育娱乐 Systems may take such action as bt365体育娱乐 Systems deems appropriate to deal with the breach, 包括暂停你访问网站, 禁止您访问本网站, 阻止使用您的IP地址的计算机访问该网站, contacting your internet service provider to request that they block your access to the website, 和/或对你提起诉讼.


bt365体育娱乐 Systems可能会不时修改这些条款和条件. Revised terms and conditions will apply to the 使用 of this website from the date of the publication of the revised terms and conditions on this website. 请定期浏览此网页,以确保您熟悉最新版本.


bt365体育娱乐可能会转移, 分包合同, or otherwise deal with bt365体育娱乐 Systems’ rights and/or obligations under these terms and conditions without notifying you or obtaining your consent.

你不能转学, 分包合同, 或以其他方式处理您在这些条款和条件下的权利和/或义务.


If a provision of these terms and conditions is determined by any court or other competent authority to be unlawful and/or unenforceable, 其他条款将继续有效. If any unlawful and/or unenforceable provision would be lawful or enforceable if part of it were deleted, 该部分将被视为已删除, 该条款的其余部分将继续有效.


bt365体育娱乐, bt365体育娱乐意识到个人身份信息, 比如姓名和生日, 对bt365体育娱乐用户的隐私极其重要吗. mcmachinery Systems绝不会泄露任何此类个人信息, and no such information will be collected from you just by visiting the bt365体育娱乐 Systems website (herein “our website”) at http://0os.6up85.com/. 像这样, 虽然bt365体育娱乐可能会分析与bt365体育娱乐网站有关的统计趋势, 此分析不涉及任何个人信息. 当这些信息被收集时, bt365体育娱乐会标明的, 收集到的信息将按照下文第1至4项进行处理. 虽然您可以浏览bt365体育娱乐的大部分网站,而无需提供个人信息, 您应该明白,您可能无法访问特定的服务.

为那些多次访问bt365体育娱乐网站的用户提供更好的服务, bt365体育娱乐可能会实施使用“cookie”技术. 当用户第一次访问bt365体育娱乐的网站时, 一个称为“cookie”的识别标签被发送到用户启用cookie的浏览器. 当这个用户返回到bt365体育娱乐的网站时, 这个标识标签让bt365体育娱乐知道这是与之前相同的用户. 像这样, 只要您不输入您的个人信息, bt365体育娱乐无法确认你的身份, 你仍然是匿名的. 您可以将浏览器设置为在收到cookie时通知您, 或者完全拒绝接受cookie.

    1. 如果bt365体育娱乐收集您的个人信息, bt365体育娱乐将首先通知您预期用途, 联系人, 以及可能的第三方信息分发, 并根据预期用途收集必要的信息.
    2. bt365体育娱乐 Systems treats personal information appropriately and will not disclose such information to any third parties without your permission, 除了:
      • 如果bt365体育娱乐被法院命令提供或披露信息, 法律权威, 或其他官方机构.
      • if our contractors need personal information to carry out the business related to our website’s operation and handling inquiries we have entrusted, we will disclose such information to them to the extent necessary for the execution after entering into a confidentiality agreement with them.
      • 在上述未提及的特殊情况下.
    3. In cases where we obtain your permission to disclose your personal information with a third party, we will implement binding contracts and other appropriate measures to prevent such parties from divulging such information.
    1. bt365体育娱乐 Systems will comply with the applicable codes and norms regarding the personal information that we keep, 并继续修订和完善与上述项目相关的政策.


These terms and conditions constitute the entire agreement between you and bt365体育娱乐 Systems in relation to your 使用 of this website, 并取代有关您使用本网站的所有先前协议. 使用所有其他三菱网站时, 请参阅有关网站的私隐政策.


本文档是使用Contractology模板创建的 http://www.freenetlaw.com.
